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Internet Resources

At Howard County Veterinary Service, we understand that it is important to you to get the most accurate, up-to-date information on issues regarding your pet.  We also understand that it can be difficult to determine if the information you’re getting off of the internet is accurate or scientifically-based.  We have provided links to websites with great information on a variety of topics.  We will update this page frequently.

Animal Behavior

American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior– This website carries a host of information on a number of animal behavior topics.

Dr. Sophia Yin– The late Dr. Sophia Yin is a veterinarian, author, and animal behaviorist that specializes in low-stress animal handling.  Her blog covers a range of topics in animal behavior, and she gives a wealth of information on reducing animal stress in veterinary clinics.

Medical Information

Veterinary Partner– This website is an excellent resource to search information on a number of diseases.  The website is created and maintained by veterinarians, so you know you are getting accurate, up-to-date information.

American Heartworm Society–  This website has the most current information regarding Heartworm Disease in dogs and cats.  Click on the “Pet Owner Resources” tab of this website for clear explanations of many questions you may have regarding Heartworm Disease.

Pets and Parasites by CAPC–  This website is created and maintained by the Companion Animal Parasite Council, a team of experts on parasites, for the purpose of client education

Worms and Germs Blog– This is a very informative blog by two veterinarians regarding a variety of topics including public health, zoonotic diseases, and veterinary news-worthy items.

Veterinary Oral Health Council–  As you know, oral health is very important for our pets.  The VOHC has approved several products for the prevention of plaque and tartar build-up.  This website gives you a list of products that currently have the seal of approval from the VOHC.

Healthy Pet by AAHA–  This website is created by the American Animal Hospital Association.  Here, you can find information on travelling with your pet, pet care, and adoption and breed information.  This website also includes a kid’s section with games and coloring activity sheets.

Winn Feline Foundation– This is a non-profit organization that supports research on improving the lives of cats.  It has a wealth of information on cat health, some of which is based on research supported by their grants.

Veterinary Associations

Missouri Veterinary Medical Association– This website is full of helpful information, including news and alerts.  The “Pet Owners” tab gives information about careers in veterinary medicine, publications, resources, and much more.

American Veterinary Medical Association–  This website for our national organization gives your additional information on news, food recalls, animal welfare, and much more.

American Association of Feline Practitioners–  This website is designed for feline veterinarians, but it also has a lot of helpful information on caring for your cat.

American Association of Equine Practitioners– This was a site created and maintained by horse veterinarians.  The “Horse Owners” section gives a lot of helpful information regarding horse care.  You can even ask questions from the expert equine practitioners.

USDA Animal and Plant Inspection Service-  This site is maintained by the USDA and contains a lot of information on animal health, animal welfare, and news.  You can find information on Mad Cow, Foot and Mouth Disease, and much more.

Food and Drug Recalls

FDA Veterinary Food and Drug Recalls– This website lists up-to-date food and drug recalls on veterinary products, including large and small animal products.


Animal Poison Control Center–  This website is maintained by the ASPCA.  They have a call center available 24-hours, 365 days a year.  You can also get information on poisonous foods, plants, and household poisons.


Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement–  This is a wonderful website for anyone who has lost a beloved pet.  You can find a local support network as well as getting more information on humane euthanasia and quality of life.

Rainbow Bridge– Another great website for anyone who has lost a pet.